Friday, April 20, 2012

Similarities, differences and judgement.

Let me know what you think!


  1. Mr. Edmond Dede,

    My name is Ellen Terry, and I am an actress. We only have a few similarities, unfortunately. You and I both were inspired to become artists by our parental figures. You were mentored by your father and a young boy, and I was mentored by both of my parents. We both started in our field of endeavor as young children.

    We are different in many ways! First, I am an actress and you are a successful violin player. It was never a hard life for me because of my race, and for you it was. You were born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana in the United States. I was born in Coventry, England.

    As we have our differences, I admire you greatly. Even though you had many roadblocks because of your race, you still pursued your passion and became a successful violinist. I would not have enough courage to continue my art if I was being harassed because of my race. You're inspiring, Mr. Dede, and I look forward to learning more about you and talking to you!

    Ellen Terry.

  2. Edmond,

    I am an actor. We are very different. You are a violinist, I am an actor. You weren't socially accepted by society. You had a much harder time getting to be able to hardly anything. You also, not surprisingly had parents help. My parents died when I was a mere boy. I had no help from anybody but Mme. Vestris.

    We are similar in a sense. We both had to work immensely to achieve the slightest bit. You of course had it harder, but I on the other hand had not parents,nothing. We both obviously were born in the 1800's.

    Differences aside I want to meet you, and speak with you so we can compare journeys. I want to also maybe talk to you about you playing in the pit of my theater?

    John brougham.

  3. Hello fellow musician. I see you are also interested in the string instruments same as I. We were also both born in the United Kingdom. We were also majorly influenced by one person throughout our lives.

    We have only a few differences. You were a violinists. I myself have never touched the thing.

    Keep up the good work. I would love to talk to you again.
    Edward Elgar.

  4. Mr. Dede,

    My name is Adelina Patti and I am an opera singer. I read your blog and I noticed we have many things in common. First of all, we are both musicians with a passion for our work. Also, our fathers were both musicians who inspired us to have passion for music. Additionally, both of us lived and performed in America at one point in our lifetimes.

    Even though we have many things in common, we are very different. Obviously, you were a composer and violinist and I am an opera singer. Additionally, you were born in New Orleans, Louisiana and I was born in Spain. Another reason we are different is that your father was a bandmaster for a militia unit and a professional musician and your mother didn’t work. Both of my parents were opera singers. Also, you were born in 1827 and I was born in 1843. You are approximately 16 years older than me. Finally, you lived in France for a portion of your life. I never lived in that country.

    Finally, I would like to inform you that I highly respect your obvious musical brilliance and talent. I also am impressed by your strong passion for music. I think that you are a fabulous artist and I am very impressed by your success.

    Hopefully we will get to know each other better over dinner because I would love to learn more about your art.

Adelina Patti

  5. Jeeze of course your a string lover where's my brass fellows. Finnaly another musician and you love strings. I am a fellow musician and I really enjoy hearing about another musicians I'm glad I ran into you and please keep me updated

  6. Hello Edmond,
    Reading your interview taught me that we have a lot in common. Such as our fathers being musicians. And unlike most of the artist an our era you were born in America, but I was not. Its refreshing. I was born in Europe. It also seems that your father was a big influence in your life, as well as mine. How terrible that racial problems made you Flee the country.
    Its closing Edmond, you sound like a very hard working man. I could learn a thing or two from you. I look forward to meeting with you.
